Do You Still Get A Funeral If You're Cremated? And Other Frequently Asked Questions About Cremation
As of 1958, only slightly more than 3% of the population chose to be cremated upon death. Today, more than 40% of the people choose to be cremated. Still, cremation is something of a mystery to many people. For those people considering cremation and find themselves asking questions, this FAQ strives to provide answers.
How does cremation occur?
Cremation occurs inside a chamber where the body is exposed to direct flame and extreme temperatures. During the cremation, the body is either enclosed in a casket or inside a rigid, flammable container. After a few hours of combustion and evaporation, the cremated remains are removed. Metal is extracted from the ashes using a magnet and the cremated remains are turned over to the family in the urn of choice or in a temporary container.
Which religious beliefs exclude the possibility of cremation?
Today, a variety of religions have accepted cremation as a legitimate method of handling the body of a deceased person. However, Jewish Orthodox, Muslim and Greek faiths still forbid cremation. To find out your religion's position on cremation, consult with your religious leader or leaders.
Do you still get to have a funeral if you're cremated?
Yes. In fact, just because a person is being cremated does not mean that a funeral is not an acceptable or expected event. In fact, cremation services can more flexible in their timing because they can occur before, after or even during the cremation.
What happens to the cremated remains?
The exact procedure for handling cremated remains depends on the preferences of the deceased, the family's preferences (if the deceased person's preferences were unknown or impossible) and any applicable legal limitations. It's common for family members to keep the ashes of their loved ones, however, some people choose to have their remains interred in a cemetery or buried in the earth. Cremated remains can be scattered over private property that is owned by the family or when permission is given.
Are the ashes dangerous or poisonous?
The ashes pose no threat to human health.
Am I allowed to ship the remains from one location to another?
You may send the remains in the mail using an inner container packed within an outer container. If you wish to send the remains on an airplane, leave the remains in a temporary cardboard container or in another non-metal urn. The urn will be X-rayed at airport security.
For more information about cremation, contact a business like Care Memorial Cremation Solutions.